Take Action!
Take Action - Vote, and then take the Portal to Liberation!
We call on the San Diego Asian community to participate in the 2020 Census and on the 2020 November ballot propositions.
Join Asian Solidarity Collective as we launch our Take Action Campaign on September 1st where we will continue to focus on protecting the rights and lives of BIPOC communities on issues of housing, affirmative action, education, voting rights, and mass incarceration through participating in the 2020 Census and taking stances on the 2020 November ballot propositions.
As we enter the portal to liberation towards a world free from prisons, police and borders, we are required by this movement to participate with various strategies, tactics and tools. We recognize that voting interacts with a system of power that relies on borders and policing to maintain its authority, and voting can have real impact on the lives of Black, Indigenous and people of color, however incremental. We choose to use every tool available to reduce harm while continuing to dismantle the systems that obstruct the abolitionist world we deserve.
Shaking the Foundation: A Press Conference Panel on Prop 16 and the Fight for Affirmative Action